A.S. Etaski

Publishing News

Notable Changes in 2022

Hey, it’s September! I have important details to share as 2022 closes out.


This year, I released Sister Seekers books 7 and 8, The Guild’s Design and Battle for Manalar, plus the Sister Seekers Prequel, Sons to Keep (FREE when you sign up for my newsletter here: https://etaski.com/about/).

Next, I’ll be releasing Tales of Miurag: The Deepearth in preparation for Sister Seekers 9, Awake in the Dark, scheduled for December release!

The Deepearth is an anthology of backstories and patron reward since 2018 and will be relevant with SS9. This new release is better edited, and the formatting will match the other Sister Seekers books.

The other Tales of Miurag collections by Etaski (listed here: https://etaski.com/god-wars/) will be released in 2023 as I get time to edit and revise those as well. 😊 About half of these stories were once on Literotica but have now been taken down. The other half have been patrons-only since they were written. There will be some revisions and improvements in all the official publications.

Note: Thornback and Shattered Chains by Dark Pulse will remain patron-only rewards.



First, let me clarify that my current books and my future releases will still be available for purchase individually through Amazon Kindle Store. I am only removing the books from their exclusive subscription service.

I enrolled my first three books into Kindle Unlimited in 2019 and added each Sister Seekers book until Book 7. I do not regret doing this. It increased my royalties while simplifying my publishing process back when this was my side-hustle. I just lacked the time or energy to execute effective marketing to “go wide” with my books.

In August 2022, I reached my 1-Year Anniversary as a full-time author! I invested time to learn about options beyond Kindle Unlimited and how to execute them. I am now chafing at Amazon’s restrictions when I wasn’t before.

In addition, Amazon’s pay-per-page rate has decreased since I started in 2019. Even with effective Amazon Ads, my audience on KU hasn’t grown enough to balance their many restrictions. Sadly, I’m making less per KU-readthrough than in 2019 on the same novels, and I always made more selling a book anyway.

Starting this month, I’m gradually withdrawing my series from KU to pursue other avenues.

By leaving KU and publishing wide, I will have opportunities to:

  • Create discounted e-book “bundles” for Sister Seekers (Books 1-3, Books 4-6, and Book 7-9)
  • Participate in more group book promotions and giveaways
  • Make stronger BookBub ads with wider purchase options
  • Grow my email list beyond Amazon buyers

I’ll also have more options in how to distribute my newest books to patrons now that even Amazon has switched over to ePub format. I can simplify my Patreon processes at the same time.

By the time Book 9 has been published, the Sister Seekers will be out of Kindle Unlimited. The series will be available wide in 2023.

Sister Seekers Withdrawal Dates for Kindle Unlimited

  • Battle for Manalar will not be enrolled in KU but is currently available on the Amazon Kindle Store, Smashwords, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and other retail sites:
  • https://books2read.com/BattleForManalar
  • https://smarturl.it/ReadSisterSeekers
  • The Guild’s Design leaves KU on September 10, 2022. SS7 will then be made available on other retail sites.
  • Sister Seekers 1 through 6 will remain available to read in KU until October 26, 2022.
  • Sister Seekers 1, 2, & 3 will leave KU together on October 26, 2022.
  • Sister Seekers 6, The Mark of Gold, will leave KU on October 28, 2022.
  • Sister Seekers 4-5 will be the last to leave KU due to the 90-day contracts and the publishing schedule they just happened to be.
  • Sister Seekers 5 Black Witch, Death Mage will leave KU on November 26, 2022.
  • Sister Seekers 4 Surfacing will leave KU on December 21, 2022.

Thank you for following my series! I have many more books coming, and 2023 will see continued improvements and opportunities!