A.S. Etaski

Patreon & Book News
Spring 2023

Hey! It’s Smarch!

That lovely time when spring and winter keep fighting over the last musical chair. It’s rather nice where I am, but I’ve seen snow dumped on friends both North *and* South of me! O.O Whew!

First thing:

My November update was … ambitious. I was in a bit of denial over how much time I’d lost in September and October, thinking I could catch up. But now that Sister Seekers 9 is published at last, I can reset that schedule. 😊

Life is getting better now that I’m through the dark winter. My brain and body function has returned to normal after my injury, and I have more energy and focus having kicked SAD once again.

Completing SS9 was my solitary goal these last 2 months, and I felt damned good by the end. 🙂

It’s time to enter the second half of God Wars. 

I’m so grateful to my patrons supporting me through 3 Sister Seekers books in a row. Achieving that major arc of the epic plus the prequel was what I wanted most out of 2022. Even getting here a bit late, I accomplished all my goals for last year, with the exception of World Anvil (I fell short on progress there when something had to give after my injury).

This arc of the first epic in SS7-SS9, plus the new prequel, Sons to Keep, put me in a very good position to promote my series with actual pay-off and promise while working on God Wars in 2023. 

In addition, but I’ll be editing, reformatting, and releasing 2 more Tales of Miurag anthologies this year. The release of SS10 “Shadows & Hounds” is slotted for Winter 2023-24.

With 20 books in Sister Seekers and an estimated 14-15 for God Wars, it’s pretty awesome that we approach the middle mark for both series in the same year! 😀

My goals for 2023:

  • Write GW7, offer opt-in patron exclusives for semi-final segments
  • Resume monthly updates on World Anvil. Primary focus is to add more Places & Locations, as many as possible that appear in Sister Seekers.
  • Edit, reformat, & release “Tales of Miurag: The Desert”
  • Edit, reformat, & release “Tales of Miurag: The Dragonchild”
  • Open “The Nexus” on World Anvil and start filling that out with existing material on the Greylands.

I have a large personal event happening in the summer, helping my aging parents to move closer to me, so I’m expecting progress to slow during that time. I’m giving myself 6 months to finish GW7 (latest completion date by Sept 1st).

If I can finish GW7 sooner, that’s fabulous, as that means I can start SS10 earlier in the year. ^_^ 

Nonetheless, every book thus far has taken 4-6 months to do justice, and the full-time publishing business has an astonishing amount of additional work added to it! O.O So, I just need to stay realistic and do my best job. 😊

For extra details and updates sooner than my 1-2 monthly newsletter, follow me on:

World Anvil: https://miurag.etaski.com

Patreon: https://patreon.com/etaski (you don’t have to be a patron to receive my public posts in your email box)

That’s touching base. Feels good. I’ll be back around again soon!