A.S. Etaski
From the Author
Free Prequel

Free Prequel

I have a brand-new story, and it’s free to read! Join my newsletter and receive a copy of the Sister Seekers Prequel.

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My Podcast Interview with NSFW Romance

My Podcast Interview with NSFW Romance

My fellow author deviant, Eris Adderly, found a partner-in-crime to start a podcast called NSFW Romance. She and Shane Starrett wanted to talk about story craft with other writers in the NSFW realm. It’s Season 2 already, and they asked me to talk with them one evening. And I said, “Um, yes?”

Uh-oh, where’s my microphone??

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Changing Focus & Readers’ Support

Changing Focus & Readers’ Support

Many new things are happening quickly!
In November, my first trilogy was released on Kindle Unlimited. In December, I finished God Wars 4 and began Sister Seekers 4. In January, my collaborators and I began the AV reading of “No Demons But US” and the conceptualization and building of this new website.

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